it's christmas time
My favorite Christmas song. Ever.
You just can't go wrong with this one.
You just can't go wrong with this one.

We got the trees yesterday.
It was my first time to ever go out and cut down a 'real, wild' tree.
Quite different, and way more fun than a tree lot.
The Hoovers. Aren't they cute?
The upstairs tree.
We trekked all over the place until we found this baby.
It was the last tree we looked at (of course). By the time we got to it, we didn't care anymore.
It was just like, yeah! chop down that one so we can go home and unfreeze our toes.
The little downstairs tree.
You can't really tell from this cruddy pic, but it's adorable.
Who knew a little tree all dressed up could be so cute?
I love Christmas time.
Great memories...