too wonderful...

Resurrection Day.
Easter Sunday.

Either way you say it, it makes me think of new life.

Yesterday was so wonderful. If it had gotten any better, I would have died. Really. I couldn't stand much more.
It was just that the Easter lilies looked so lovely beside the pulpit.
Everyone was looking spiffy and smiley.
The ham was at home baking and filling the house with its delectable aroma.
The church singing lifted the roof a little more than usual... there's nothing like singing Christ Arose when everyone means it.

My heart was pretty full at that point and service had barely started.
Then the Stedman's, the Lowes, and Sarge sang Ten Thousand Angels...

They bound the hands of Jesus,
In the garden where He prayed,
They led Him through the streets in shame.
They spat upon the Saviour,
So pure and free from sin,
They said, "Crucify Him, He's to blame".

He could have called ten thousand angels,
To destroy the world and set Him free.
He could have called ten thousand angels,
But He died alone for you and me.

Upon His precious head,
They placed a crown of thorns,
They laughed and said, "Behold the King".
They struck Him and they cursed Him,
And mocked His holy name,
All alone He suffered everything.

When they nailed Him to the cross,
His mother stood nearby,
He said "Woman, behold thy son".
He cried, "I thirst for water",
But they gave Him none to drink,
Then the sinful work of man was done.

To the howling mob he yielded,
He did not for mercy cry,
The cross of shame He took alone.
And when He cried, "It's finished",
He gave Himself to die,
Salvation's wondrous plan was done.

He could have called ten thousand angels,
To destroy the world and set Him free.
He could have called ten thousand angels,
But He died alone for you and me.

And I heard His voice say, Just for you, darling. Just for you.
And it was too wonderful for me.
I heard a preacher say one time, that Christ didn't think of us individually when He hung on the cross. He thought of us collectively.
Well, he can think that if he wants, but I know my Beloved thought of me when He died.
I know He thought of me when He shook Hell's gates, and conquered death.
I know He thought of me when He rose on that third day.
I know He thought, Because I love you, Sunny Jane.
And it's too, too wonderful for my little brain understand. Too, too wonderful for my little heart to contain.
Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us...   -1John 3:1

I thought my heart couldn't possibly take any more, but God said, I'm not done yet. Are you kidding? This day has only just started!
So Tim preached wonderfully. Very wonderfully.
Then after service, I was sitting on the pew talking to Ms. Bette, and heard Tim yelling in the foyer.
I normally shoot out of church as soon as it's over so I can go home, put on my sweats, and hug a bowl of chocolate ice cream.
But I'm so glad I stuck around after Sunday morning service this once.
Tim was yelling because a guy in our church had just gotten saved in his office. And so did his little five year old daughter.
Father and child on the same day!
Resurrection Day no less!
The angels in heaven rejoiced, and I hugged my box of Kleenex a little tighter and laid over on the pew to soak up God's goodness.
Talk about new life.

Then we all went to Sherry's for lunch.
Friends and family all together.
Sherry made an Easter bunny cake...

Cute, huh? I loved it. Even with the evil red eyes.
We were sitting around talking after the lunch clean-up, and I suddenly realized... I was wearing my new Easter clothes! The clothes Karen paid for to bribe me to go shopping with her!
I needed a picture so I could share how cute my new outfit is with ya'll.
Because it's super cute. I'm in love with this outfit. It makes me feel like a girly girl.

Karen was my photographer.
Remember I'm not photogenic? This is proof...

Here we have Sunny Jane with her mouth open.
Huh, Karen? What'd you say? What?

Here we have Sunny Jane with her eyes closed.
And a pained expression.

My Olan Mills pose.

And finally...
The outfit! Cute, right?
You can buy it at Down East Basics if you like.
I don't mind if you copycat me.
It will make your waistline look itty bitty.

I have to share one more thing, even though it has nothing whatsoever to do with Resurrection Day.
But because my Olan Mills pose reminded me of it...
Because I feel brave...
Or reckless...

That's me on the left, and my life friend, Aubri on the right.
I was twelve.
And unphotogenic.
Look at my poor face. I don't know what was wrong with it. Probably puberty had something to do with it.
Or just being in front of a camera was all that it took to give me that retarded, I-just-woke-up-and-haven't-had-any-chocolate face.
Or I could have been insecure about my hair.

Anyway, yesterday was too, too wonderful to keep to myself.
It was marvelous.
A perfect day.


  1. It was truly a wonderful day!!!!!And the portrait of you and Aubri made my day. What a great laugh!

  2. Oh Sunny...
    the writer...
    Nice outfit...that was "nice" of Karen ;-)
    AMEN and AMEN !!!

  3. Sunny, glad you had a great Easter, praise the Lord for more souls saved!! How exciting! And I love your outfit, and loved the pictures, you are way too hard on yourself, as are we all...I think you are quite photogenic :D Hopefully that doesn't sound weird...

  4. I'm glad you guys liked my new clothes too!
    ME... you're my new best friend if you think I'm photogenic:)

  5. lol on our picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    i have some other ones that are even worse (but still precious!) love you, life-friend! miss you.

    (By the are such an amazing writer...and I never knew....


  6. Ha... I have some worse ones too! I'll post them someday when I'm feeling brave again:)
    Glad you like the blog... I still have your "novel". Found it the other day and laughed.


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