rainy day

It is pouring rain outside. I'm supposed to be out there working. *insert nervous shiver* But I figured eyeballing the rain from inside the warm house was close enough. So here I sit, bundled in a blankie with a pumpkin spice latte, my laptop, Pandora radio, and a beautiful view of some crazy geese floating in the river. So it's practically like I'm working!

On a completely separate note, I went Christmas shopping with Moma yesterday. I usually wait until the very last second, and then I can't find anything for anyone. But not this year folks! This year I'm all over those Christmas presents like white on rice. I'm doing stockings for everyone this year. No big presents. Stockings have always been my favorite. Not that I don't love getting big presents too (So like if you've already bought me a big present or something, it's totally okay. I'll accept it.). When I was a kid, we'd always wait until very last to open our stockings... just to prolong the sweet anticipation. And I'm having so much fun finding things for all the kids. The poor adults in my life, I have no idea what I'm doing for them yet. I'm obsessed with Christmas being awesome for the kids this year.

On another separate note, Karen took some cute pictures of the girls being girls.

Molly. She believes in relaxing while practicing piano. Molly is such a little munchkin. She has so much personality crammed into her little body. She's strong willed, but loving. She's hilarious and says the funniest things. Every face she makes is a crack up. She has zero butt... it's basically a little dot back there. She's serious about stuff, whether it be sucking her fingers or rubbing Lily's back. I think she's a leader.

Typical of all of them. Pretty, motherly Lucy. Probably back there organizing everyone's stuff and helping Lily swaddle her baby doll. Cute, freckled, sporty Hannah. Silly Emma. Lily with her baby doll. And Molly seriously sucking those fingers.

Molly taking care of food business. She's hungry, and Mom isn't there to get her something to eat?
No biggie. She can take care of herself.

Molly was basically deaf, and had to have surgery.
Look at her being all cute, holding daddy's hand, getting ready to have surgery in her nightgown.

These two. The little duo. They should've been twins. Total opposites, but they have the strongest bond.

Lily our beautiful one. Isn't she lovely? She's so soft and sweet. She'll be a good mother one day. Her favorite animal is a unicorn and she thinks jets are shooting stars. She loves kissing. She constantly kisses on whomever happens to be sitting next to her. She kissed my earring Sunday. Sun, be still 'kay? I need to kiss your earring.
But she isn't much of a morning person. Hello tangled hair...

Enjoying the last summer days. They all love the water.

Emma the domestic goddess. I swear that girl is always up to something. Her little heart needs must create and grow things. She loves old things. She wants an old typewriter and a rotary phone. She wants to sew stuff and pick veggies. I think she'll outshine Martha Stewart one day.

Sometimes you just have to wear a pretty dress and dance to Mozart.

Leah's been getting so grown up, and turning into Karen's little mini me these days.
It's nice to see the little girl pop out occasionally.

And on other days, you just need to put your hands on your hips and be a cowgirl.

And on a rainy day, if you're like Molly, you go outside and sing to yourself.

She Who Isn't Like Molly And Stays Inside Where It's Dry


  1. It's rainy here today too. We even got the woodstove going today
    . Afterall it was "officially" Autumn on Sunday....
    We were shopping at Wal-Mart on Saturday, and the guy working at the checkout reminded us several times the the first day of Autumn was Sunday(like we need to be reminded....especially since we live in Montana).... and there are only 2 seasons, winter & summer. ;) Lol
    I love listening to Pandora.
    Thanks for all the pictures & especially the captions under them. :)
    Take care & keep warm & enjoy looking at the rain. :)

    1. I want a woodstove! Admittedly, I'd probably never be able to get a really good fire going, but I'd still love to have one:)


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