The New Year
Happy New Year! Here are some random pictures of my house because I love it.
I’ve never cared for the new year because it means Christmas is over and I seldom make resolutions (this year I did!), but I do like the idea of clean fresh slates and starting anew.
This was the year of Daphne. I don’t think anything happened in our personal lives this year that wasn’t related to Daphne. She is the best goober and such a little lover. Luna is our bright sunshine and Daphne is our squishy lover.
I set some goals for this year. They aren’t anything special. Just things that will help me in a few small areas.
1)Walks at least 3-4 times per week
We’ve been walking regularly up until the past two weeks. I needed better winter gear to take the girls out in icy, zero degree weather so we took a break and I now have a list of better gear to start collecting. We start walks back up today since it’s warmed a little.
2)Drink apple cider after angry words
“Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.” Proverbs 16:24
“He that hath knowledge spareth his words”. Proverbs 17:27
I laughed writing this one down, but I am
serious about doing it. A couple months ago we started giving Luna apple cider vinegar when she says mean things or is disrespectful. The very first time, I thoughtlessly gave her a teaspoon full and she immediately ran over and threw it up into a mixing bowl. I felt so bad! Since then we just dip our finger into the vinegar and place a drop on her tongue. It’s enough to be effective for her. We all HATE apple cider vinegar. The smell and the taste is just garbage. Luna mournfully says now,”I weally hate benegar”. Me too, baby, me too.
Since Daphne was born I have really struggled with being overwhelmed and angry. I’ve found myself saying the sharpest things and complaining a lot. I’ve tried to stop myself from doing it but nothing has worked. This week I decided if it’s good enough for Luna, it’s good enough for me. I gave myself some vinegar after sharply complaining to Luna one day. So frustrated with myself for not having the self control to guard my tongue. Ugh. It is the worst. I understand why Luna vomited it up.
3)Put phone on counter top at least 2x per day
Even without social media, it’s hard to step away from my phone. And I really hate it. I do everything on my phone. I’m writing this on my phone. Shopping, budgeting, bills, emails, keeping in touch, audio books, music, Bible app. It’s all on my phone.
4)Read at least 3 books for the year
I laughed writing this too. Teenage me who read one book per day would cry.
5)Do at least two embroideries for the year
Hello, this is your grandmother speaking. But I enjoy it and it gets something other than my phone into my hands.
6)Continue gym 2x per week
This won’t help me get a six pack. But it does help me mentally and helps me gain some strength. And gives some some time with Rachel which is a plus!
7)When I think of spending, look at the amount in my cart and put it in savings instead and then track it.
“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content”. Phil 4:11
“He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.” Proverbs 10:4
I am all or nothing when it comes to money. I can either save so hardcore it hurts, or just spend willy nilly. There’s no middle ground. Right now I’m ready to save hardcore. I do a lot of online shopping, so I hope that this year I can use that to help me save. We will still purchase needs, this is just stuff that I want and can live without. Two days ago I had some stickers and a spice rack in my Amazon cart. I put them on my wishlist instead and put that $50 into savings. It felt GREAT! I used to do spending freezes all the time, but haven’t for a couple years. It honestly helps me to be more thankful, more content, less covetous, and happy to see money in our savings. Aaron asked,”Does this mean you’ll be canceling the order for that new loveseat?” Haha! Nope.
We moved some furniture around and got a dining table set up the day before Christmas Eve. Luna is certain it is one of her Christmas gifts and her toys are on or under it 100% of the time. I painted and wallpapered a Melissa & Doug dollhouse for Luna’s Christmas gift (the animal print “wallpaper” is gift wrap from Karen that I have saved since Luna’s baby shower. Too cute to throw out). We haven’t had a table since we got married five years ago. We ate our first dinner as a family at the table two nights ago. Even Daphne sat in her baby seat with us. Chicken alfredo from Costco, Christmas Frank Sinatra playing, and candles lit. It was so much fun and super special for us all. Aaron cried, obviously.
I’m restarting my Read Your Bible Thru in Two Years guide tomorrow. One year guides have never worked for me, but this two year guide has been great. And that’s it! Happy New Year to you all!
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