sisters and rascals

I used to do regular little photo shoots with Luna (first baby perks). My favorite spot for it was on the twin bed in her room. Which is now her actual bed since she’s a full grown adult *cries*.

Then Daphne came along and I think I’ve done 4 photo shoots with her. If even that many. Sorry, second baby, haha! In my defense though, Luna just laid there angelically for photos whereas Daphne is mostly a blur for 9 out of 10 photos.

But today I found Luna’s little baby bonnet that always made her look like she was suffering thru chemo, and put it on Daphne. Took one look at her and plopped both kids on the bed for an iPhone photo session. With Luna’s bossy help, I was able to get far more pictures of Daphne than usual.

I mean. Look at these goobs.

Although I often feel stressed out by motherhood and whatever daily chores or anxieties it brings, I’m so thankful they are at this stage. Sleepless, lots of vomit in the carpet (why isn’t carpet illegal), never ending interruptions that turn my brain into very angry scrambled eggs, Daphne scratching everyone, Luna bossing everyone, Daphne trying her hardest to eat every single thing EXCEPT FOOD, and me saying 20 times per day,”Do NOT say hey mama even ONE MORE time. DO NOT.” 

Luna has taken to reminding me of all the times I was mad at her. “Mama, remember when my baby doll stroller fell down that hill and you had to climb to get it and you were so mad at me?” (notice she omitted the fact that she threw the stroller down the hill .0003 seconds after I had told her NOT to throw that stroller down the hill. And as I climbed down after it I told her I would throw her doll into the ocean first chance I got. So then she cried as we walked home worried that I would miraculously find the ocean somewhere on our street in north Idaho.)

“Hey Mama, remember when I locked the bathroom door and you said WHY DID YOU DO THAT AGAIN but it was weally an accident and I forgaved you for being mad at me?”

“Hey Mama, remember when I got out of bed and you were so mad like I SAID BEDTIME LUNA but I just neeeeeeded to tell you sumping called a unicorn princess story!!!”

“Hey Mama, remember when you said THAT’S IT APPLE CIDER VINEGAR FOR YOU LUNA, but I just wanted you to know that actually I weally hated apple cider vinegar?” 

But then I think about adult problems, and real decisions they will be faced with one day, and the regular heartbreak that comes with regular life. And I am so thankful for my scrambled egg brain and Luna climbing into our bed at night to cough straight into my sleeping eardrums even though she isn’t supposed to.
