A few fun things

 We had our first family reunion last week. Hosted by Karen because she is the only one brave enough. We had a truly great time with all the family in town. I love all of my family, but there is something particularly special about my teen/grown up nieces and nephews. Something so incredible and heartachy to see these little babies grow up into my good friends who I enjoy hanging out with. I love hearing all of their wild and crazy dreams spoken in so much hope and innocence. I hope they see every dream come true. 

Daphne moved out of her crib. She climbed out of it one day like it was nothing so we moved her into the big bed. Here she is on her first night in the big bed.

Here is Luna on her first night sleeping in her big girl bed. Luna turns 5 in five days.

Up next, a photo of me dead from grief.

Luna is still going strong with her love for Halloween. Although I can’t get on board with the freakishly weird tradition of going door to door to ask LITERAL STRANGERS FOR CANDY, I can get on board with costumes. So we are all dressing up to pass out candy at our house. We might even go to Yokes to show ourselves off. Here’s a sneak peek.

Meet Opal. She belongs to our niece and lives with us temporarily. She’s the sweetest kitty. I regularly see her streak by as quickly as possible as Daphne chases her with aggressive and violent love in her eyes. The little bell on her collar jingling madly as Daphne’s footsteps thud behind. Opal thought she was safe under our bed until Daphne realized that she too can squeeze under the bed. Happy day for Daphne! There is no escape, Opal!

This house has a very long hallway and lots of space for Luna to ride her little pink tricycle around. She just whizzes around on that thing constantly. Yesterday morning we did a science experiment on states of matter with boiling water and ice cubes (and a root beer float which was fun). Luna’s first science lesson ever! I thought we’d have so much fun, but Luna was impatient and wiggling and treating the whole thing like it was “dumb and boring”. Who cares about solids, liquids, or gas. 

I finally said, "Okay, go play until you feel like school isn't dumb anymore and then we will do your reading practice." So she hopped on her pink trike and proceeded to ride in circles behind me- looking around like everyone in the world is dumb and boring. At this moment I farted (excuse me), and she grumpily said, as she pedaled furiously and super critically, "GAS". And then pedaled away with her shoulders hunched over the handlebars, mad at the world.

I was happy to see that her science lesson had stuck with her at least.
