Family Photos

We had our first ever photos taken last week. I really love them. Our friend, Zeke, took them and did a great job. We felt awkward the entire time, and I was astonished Zeke was able to capture a few of us looking like normal humans beings. We are not photogenic whatsoever. Then there was a lot of Aaron saying, “Put my hand on her belly? Look off into the distance? Smile? Do I have to? I feel weird, bro”. His first remark looking at these was,”Oh there’s that one with my hand on your belly. Weird.” I asked him where else he would put his hand? My forehead? His pocket? “No, maybe like your kidney.”
But then I also love all the real ones of us with our eyes closed and weird faces because it’s just how we look all the time. And Luna takes zero effort to look cute in every picture. 
