Daphne’s 2nd Birthday

 Happy 2nd birthday to our storm cloud, Daffodil girl. I can’t believe it’s been two years already. I finally realized she had passed the newborn stage around 5 months ago. Someone rudely said to me,”Oh wow she’s so close to two! I can’t believe it!” And after mentally counting out the months, I was unhappily forced to admit it was true.

At two years old, Daphne knows around 20 words: Mama, Nanay (grandma), Dada, Louliet (Luna Juliet), thank you, help me, cold, heavy, I’m comiiiiing, I’m goiiiiiing, bye bye, go away, hug, throw up, Bluey, and poop butt. She says poop butt with a raspberry, laugh, and sticking her butt out at us. I love that my two year old is already telling fart jokes.

She is OBSESSED with Bluey. It’s usually the first thing she says when she wakes up. She watches, mesmerized, and just laughs and dances the whole time. 

She threw up yesterday, and was awake for a couple hours during the night. She wailed sadly,”BOOOOOEYYYYY”. So as Aaron and I lay dozing miserably in bed, Daphne lay between us watching Bluey on Aaron’s phone. Happy as can be in spite of being sick. 

She refuses to eat 98% of foods. I can’t blame her since both of my girls suffer from sensitive gag reflex and vomit almost any food at this age. Hence her knowing the words “throw up”.  She says throw up in a sad tone and while giving us a kitchen towel to wipe our mouths with. 

She loves to dance. She cannot be still when music comes on. She will shake her booty SO FAST. Or, if the music is a little slower, she will close her eyes and wave her arms and head softly. I love that one so much!

She is an aggressive lover. Her whole body will shake with pent up love as she comes at you with warm violence lol. Smiles a lot, but also the queen of grump face and an angry “GO WAY”. She blames everyone else for any owie. If she falls down, and you happen to be innocently sitting 20 yards away, she will still assume you pushed her down. And she will be MAD AT YOU.

She cries over bedtime now. It starts so young! She’s very worried she will miss out on play time with Luna and Dada, and wails out miserably from her bed,”DADDYYYYYYYYY PLAYYYYYYYY”.

She got a little play kitchen for her birthday. And assorted Bluey things. Adorable Disney pjs. We weren’t able to do a special family birthday because she ended up sick. Again! So for her birthday she said,”throw up” quite a bit. She ate one bite of her cake, and then came to me crying for a nap,”Ni’ni, Mama!! Ni’ni!” So I put her to bed and she slept half the day away. But you’d never know from these happy photos!

Please enjoy the progression of Aaron teaching the girls how to blow out birthday candles. “Deep breath. Do your mouth like this. You got it? No, okay, I’ll help. Deep breath. BLOW. Nice, success.” As the girls watched and did nothing. Then Daphne said,”Good girl, Dada, good girl.”
