
I feel like when fall hits, I come way more alive. I’m sorry for all you summer people; I know it’s the opposite for you as winter approaches. But I’m suddenly inspired to cook and craft and be outside. Things that I’m not typically inspired to do whatsoever. Plus I got almost all of my Christmas shopping done a week or two ago, and now I’m just waiting to turn the calendar to November so that I can pull the Christmas tree out. And fall makes me super nostalgic. I’ve been listening to Little House on the Prairie on Spotify. I told Karen maybe it’s just pregnancy hormones, but I tear up listening to them and remembering my mom reading them out loud to me as a little kid. 

Every spring I think there can be nothing more beautiful than the pink cherry trees blooming. But when fall comes, I change my mind and think there can never be anything more beautiful than those bright reds, oranges, and yellows. The wind blowing leaves across the yard. The sidewalks thick with color. The grey clouds and  rain hitting the windows. I really love it.

Just some autumn around my house this week:

A branch from my favorite Japanese maple.

White chicken chili with cornbread (and a little baby bump). Whatever you do, do not add four tablespoons of cumin to this recipe instead of four teaspoons. I’m here to tell the world that no one likes cumin that much.

A little children’s craft. I don’t have the patience for real crafts so kid’s stuff is where it’s at for me.

Some art from Karen. Cider Making by George Henry Durrie.

From the sidewalks.

Making apple cider donuts with the girls for one of their school projects.

The recipes in case you’d like to make them.

And some Luna because every post needs a little bit of Luna.
