An absolute rascal

A couple weeks ago, we put Luna to bed and went out to organize the garage. We came inside after about an hour and I could hear Luna’s tiny knocking on her bedroom door. I felt so bad thinking she had probably been awake and crying for us that whole hour! Ran upstairs to check on her, opened her door, and there was my precious baby… pantless, diaperless, supremely happy… and poop all over the wall next to her door. “Mama!! I get up! Yes!”

We spent the next 45 minutes or so scrubbing her in the tub, scrubbing the walls, shampooing the carpet, etc. She thought it was the best thing that had ever happened to her. Mama and Dada had her out of bed, in the bath (her favorite!), and giving her so much attention.

I ordered some new, hard to remove PJ’s for her that night. 

Today she figured out how to unlock the doorknob, unlock the deadbolt, and open the front door. 

I ordered a chain lock for Aaron to install 10 minutes later.

This evening she found a Sharpie that Aaron left on his dresser. FYI, rubbing alcohol does a pretty good job at getting Sharpie out of skin, dressers, clothing, blankets, and mirrors.

As I scrubbed the Sharpie out of her brand new sweatshirt, Aaron said,”This video says to use Q-tips to dab at the stains.” As he said that we both died laughing.

Luna found the Q-tips earlier today. 

No doubt she was singing her best counting song as she happily threw all 500 of them away. “Six, seben, nine, FOUR!”

I’ve already ordered a new box.

Me the day Luna was born. Nothing has changed, haha!

If anyone wonders if kids are cheap or easy, they aren’t. But you will never laugh harder. You will lay awake in bed at night as the smells of bleach, soap, and alcohol waft thru the house, laughing your head off. You will creep into her room at night to check that everything is okay (and that the diaper wipes aren’t all pulled out of the box again), and tenderly whisper into her Sharpie’d hair, “What a good little girl”, all the while knowing she is just a total rascal.
