part 1: when aaron came home last summer and i was like whoa

I first met Aaron about ten years ago when his parents went out for dinner with Tim and Karen, leaving the two of us together to watch the girls. It was love at first sight, and the past ten years have just been about us growing together in our super romantic relationship.
I'm kidding.
I mean, that is how we met, but I wasn't interested until nine years later. Aaron says that the night we met, I was awkward and gave him a book to read. I told him it was the most hilarious book ever (hey, it was to ME), but he thought it was really lame and stupid. But he read it anyway, and faked laughed, because he thought I was cute.
Cue heart eyes emoji. Seriously, how cute can he be?

Anyway, fast forward a few years. Aaron was living in FL, and I moved in with his parents for about five months. I didn't know them very well, but I was going through one of the darkest times of my life, and they helped pull me through it. I was a total basket case, but they just loved me anyway and taught me the true meaning of God's love and forgiveness. They taught me how to have a relationship with God that has, in turn, helped me in my relationship with Aaron. In the years since then, Aaron's parents have become my dearest friends, and his family became like my own. I LOVE looking back now, and seeing God's hand orchestrating all of that. Words fail to describe what it means to me to know that God knew exactly what would happen down the road every time I crashed the Hoover's family outings, dinners, and movie nights, and drew closer to them over time.

They are total dorks and couldn't take a normal family picture
 together if their lives depended on it.

Meanwhile, Aaron's mom and I had a lot of conversations together about Aaron's life, and exactly the type of girl he should marry. Which is pretty ironic now.

Fast forward again to last August. Aaron was coming home for a visit from ND where he works, and I was in the kitchen with his mom and sisters in law, discussing Aaron's girlfriend situation. (Seriously if Aaron ever needed to know what to do with his life, we were totally there to give him all the direction he ever needed. All he had to do was ask. Which he never did.) We decided that we should probably just set him up with someone for his own safety's sake.
About 30 minutes later, Aaron drove up and got out of his car.

Whereupon, I promptly decided that if Aaron ever went out with any girl but myself, I would punch him in the face. Fortunately, Aaron didn't want any other girl.
Cue heart eyes emoji again.

Aaron and everyone else asked me what changed that day. I don't know really. I believe it was just God's timing. I had total peace about it by the next morning.

She Who Shall Continue This Story Tomorrow

Part 2 here
Part 3 here 
