unsearchable riches

de·light noun \di-ˈlīt, dē-\     : A high degree of pleasure or enjoyment; joy; rapture. Something that gives great pleasure.

.....but such as are upright in their way are his delight.     -Proverbs 11:20

.....but they that deal truly are his delight.     -Proverbs 12:22

.....but the prayer of the upright is his delight.     -Proverbs 15:8

His delight.

Lily delights me.
Sometimes I look at her and just want to squeeze her chubby little self until she pops because my heart is overflowing with delight at her utter cuteness.
So when I think of delight, I think of that warm fuzzy feeling I get in my heart when I look at Lily.
And it takes. my. breath away. to think that when God looks at me, He's delighted.
He gets that same warm fuzzy feeling in His heart.
He just wants to squeeze me until I pop.
He watches me and smiles.
I can't think of a single good reason why God should delight in me, but that doesn't matter.
Because He does delight in me. With all His heart.
This I know, without the shadow of doubt.
He loves me. Delights in me.
I am His and He is mine.

If someone ever let me loose in a Godiva chocolate store, I wouldn't know where to start.
If they said, Ok, the whole store is yours. Get in there and eat chocolate to your little chocolate lovin' heart's content, I would probably screech and then pass out with the overwhelming thought of having all that chocolatey goodness to myself.
Sometimes I feel that way about God's goodness too.
It's like He's got this whole store full of wonderful goodness and He says, Ok, get in there and eat until your little chocolate loving heart is satisfied. I put it all there just for you.
And then I screech and pass out.

That's unsearchable riches for you.
